How Garage Eight developers work with infrastructure
Artemiy Plotnikov
Company: Garage Eight
Georgy Gerasimov
Company: Garage Eight
Artem Kolupaev
Company: Garage Eight
Company: DeusOps
Goes from unemployed gamer to Lead DevOps in three years.Obtained PhD with a thesis on ML for DevOps tasks. Created the disciplines "Software Build and Deployment Technologies" and "Infrastructure as Code" at ITMO undergraduate school. Teaches at a bunch of online venues, university and school. Creator of DeusOps. Host of the podcast of the same name.
Company: Garage Eight
Company: Garage Eight
Company: Garage Eight
Company: МТS Digital
Company: MTS Digital
Company: DeusOps
Company: Center-Invest
Company: MTS Web Services
Company: DeusOps
Company: Center-Invest
Company: MTS Web Services
Company: Wildberries
Company: DeusOps
Company: Naviteq LTD
Company: Wildberries
Company: DeusOps
Company: Dell EMC
Company: DeusOps