Nikolay Ihalaynen

Nikolay Ihalaynen

Company: Percona

Nikolay is an opensource database enthusiast. He spent the recent 8 years in Percona struggling with MySQL, PostgreSQL and MongoDB problems as a DBA and Support Engineer. Before that, Nikolay and a small team of developers were responsible for scaling the site into one which now serves over a million unique visitors per day. Before that, he worked for several other companies, including NetUp, which provides ISP billing and IPTV solutions, and eHouse, the oldest Russian e-commerce company. Nikolay has a great deal of experience in both systems administration and programming. His experience includes extensive hands-on work with a broad range of technologies, including SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, PHP, C, C++, Python, Java, XML, OS parameter tuning (Linux, Solaris), caching techniques (e.g., memcached), RAID, file systems, SMTP, POP3, Apache, networking and network data formats, and many others. He is an expert in scalability, performance, and system reliability.

Talks from 2019 Piter season