
Real-world Continuous Delivery with Tekton & ArgoCD

  • На английском языке
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In the past years, enterprise workloads have been moved to cloud-native, containerized environments, powered by Kubernetes. Yet, many organizations are struggling with updating their Continuous Delivery stack. While many new, cloud-native CI/CD technologies have emerged, not all of them are ready for prime time yet. What is a reasonable approach and choice of technology for real-world, cloud-native projects?

In this session we'll see how to achieve modern and flexible Continuous Delivery for cloud-native projects that can be used for production, as of today. We'll specifically look at Tekton, ArgoCD on top of Kubernetes. If you know Sebastian, you'll assume correctly that most of the session will be live-coding and live-demoing.

  • #live coding
  • #production-ready


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