Тип доклада: Доклад

Securing Kubernetes application transport and secrets with Vault and Consul

  • Доклад на английском языке
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In this lighthearted and demo-driven talk, Nic and Erik find themselves in trouble again as they get attacked by a mysterious hacker. Headlines in the news report that a vulnerability in a frontend application lead to leaking the entire customer database, consisting of 300 million people. Determined to defeat the 1337 hacker, and try to not get fired in the process, they set out to secure their Kubernetes environment. Learn with them as they use Vault to dynamically create application specific database credentials, reducing the attack surface on database access. And see how they use Consul to stop lateral movement through the environment, reducing the risk of other applications and services becoming a secondary target. Join them as they dig themselves out of yet another hole, finally reading the carefully prepared memo their boss sent on commonly-used passwords, and keep their bytes safe.

  • #case study
  • #hashicraft


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