Wazuh as DevSecOps platform
Very often building security inside a company causes a lot of difficulties, nervous breakdown and dilemma. Pay the integrator? Buy an expensive platform? Leave everything as it is? And all these questions fall on your shoulders.
Yuri will show you a solution, which will be built on the principles and approaches of DevSecOps. He will talk about the main components of Wazuh and how they help in identifying and eliminating threats, collecting and analyzing the information obtained. The speaker will take you through the thorns of Wazuh components and capabilities to the stars of building a secure infrastructure.
You may decide that this is going to be a regular talk with slides and stories about how to do things well and do them right. Yes, but no. The talk is divided into two parts: a theoretical one and a "secret" practical one, which will contain exclusive Wazuh features.
Invited experts
Viktor Popov